Apr 29, 2009

A Karl Rove quote I can get behind...

Tonight I checked out a recent Karl Rove interview on youtube assuming, per usual, that he would dismiss every Democratic idea and basically not peer one inch over his party line. Not only was that not entirely the case, but he actually said something I completely agreed with. I feel, and have always felt, that 100 days is an absurd timetable to throw at any president. Even if a President's first 3 months are successful in the eyes of the people, god knows what will happen in the remaining 3.75 years he/she is around. I mean, who could have predicted in March 2001 what our new President would have to deal with that September. Who knows what Obama will be faced with this September, or beyond? We should all just hope for the best, and more to the point, we should hope that the United States is on its way to recovery by the time Obama ends his first term. That will be his legacy, not this ridiculously magnified first three months. Anyway, here's what Karl had to say...

"Let’s step back here. Whether it’s domestic or international, this 100 days is an artificial deadline. It’s a construct that the media has. The White House – every White House – prepares for it endlessly; develops story lines, prepares spinners, gets everybody out there working from top to bottom. But in reality, the first 100 days is not a lot of time for any administration to begin to set things in concrete. We saw this, for example, with Bill Clinton, who started off with a very bad first 3 months, and then recovered. And Jimmy Carter, who started out with a pretty good first 100 days, and then deteriorated after that." - Karl Rove defending the Obama administration amidst questions about its first 100 days.

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