Feb 12, 2009

Poignant Pencil Case part. II

I saw another pencil case today that stopped me in my tracks. It read...

"Love is not visible, but it's valuable. We all want some sweet love."

That's not even thought provoking; it's just disquieting. First you have this pseudo-interesting but totally obvious statement, which is then totally killed by this mention of "sweet love." Damn American/Western slang for killing the vibes from an innocent pencil case. Love is sweet. But... so is sweet love (queue the vibe-y keys and heavy bass line).

1 comment:

  1. here's one for you. I had to do a little wall-to-wall search to find it. This was on a 6 year old's pencil case.

    "Those that lack friends to open themselves unto are cannibals of their own hearts."
