Feb 16, 2009

The Colonel's Fortune

I read an article today that said KFC and McDonald's are two of the only major companies actually doing well in today's economy. Obviously this is no huge shock. They make comfort food, and it's a proven fact that grease makes people feel awesome. I know that's the case with me. It turns out that KFC is doing so well that it's opening 200-300 new restaurants. But here's the kicker, they're only opening new joints in the UK. Which brings me to the point of this post: KFC is absolutely, fucking huge everywhere in the world.

I've spent extended periods of time living in Cape Town, South Africa, and now South Korea. After the former experience I figured that maybe this KFC obsession was a South African thing. But Korea showed me that's not true, and now I can steadfastly assert that both Koreans and South Africans are all up in the Colonel's business. Now, in terms of culture, history, and almost every other social measure, Koreans and South Africans almost couldn't be more different. I have observed this, and now I have an article - as well as friends of mine who have been there - telling me that KFC is thriving in Europe. KFC is gross. What am I missing?

While I do enjoy fast food from time to time, I think its prevalence internationally is appalling. Americans make our name on eating big, being big, and generally living big in all ways. My feeling is we're known for bigness in the world, and most Americans have made peace with that image. It's an unfortunate reputation, but one most likely deserved. That said, I think it's a real crime to spread that type of gaudy largeness to other, more moderate parts of the world.

I feel 10x healthier now that I've been eating Korean food for the last 6 months. And yet every McDonalds that I see does a brisk business with young Koreans. These are teenagers who will no doubt spend the better part of their youth eating, and becoming comfortable with fast food; perhaps America's most disreputable export since the modern tobacco industry. Listen, I'm happy that thousands of Brits, Irish, and Scots will get new jobs behind KFC counters, but I'm really disheartened by the trend that's putting them there, even if it has been happening for decades.


  1. This coming from a guy who had McDonalds AND Burger King last weekend.

    ...sorry, had to do it.

  2. Hypocrisy noted. As I said, I am at peace with my American-ness. I can never change that about me, hence, I eat fast food, drink a lot of beer, am intensely loud, and take my shirt off frequently. What I lament is the spread of our inherently unhealthy food to places whose indigenous fare is much healthier/better. After all, we BOTH agreed that returning to the American diet will not be good for our waistlines. But it's an iron clad point regardless.
