Sep 21, 2009

A lifting off...

Hello to anyone and all that read/have read this blog. I can't tell you how much I've enjoyed managing this thing. Not only has it let me feel in touch, but it has provided with a goal - albeit humble - throughout the whirlwind that was my year in Korea. But, as that year has come to a close, so too will this blog.

Though fear not! The internet is not rid of me yet! I have started a new site dedicated to all things post-Korea and pre-whateverthefuckiwilldonext. It exists, but I've yet to really get it cracking. I decided to switch over to the uber-hipsters at wordpress, and all their minutae has impeded these early stages. But I assure you; once I master their system, you will be inundated with over-important, under-thought ramblings about my life and all it entails.

In closing, thanks so much for reading. Knowing that any of you took time to stay with me was one of the great joys of my Asian experience. I'll miss this site enormously.

If you are still interested in my happenings, feel free to check out


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